Change hanging protocol in my draft case.

Follow these steps to change the number of images displayed automatically in the Dicom viewer.

1. If your case contains 6 or more series within the study the default Dicom viewer display layout is currently set to 2x3.

The location of each image in the 2x3 layout is represented by a red square. Images can be moved to the preferred viewport location by drag and drop.

2. To change the automatic layout display from 2x3 to 2x2, 1x3, 1x2, or 1x1 simply delete key images. As the number of images decreases the viewer layout option will change accordingly.

3.  Simply recover a deleted key image to revert back or increase the layout options.

4. Press SAVE DRAFT to apply any new changes and click "Open review mode" to view the layout prior to publishing the case.