External module

The external module allows the user to download data from a subject in a pipeline for external processing. Then, if required, upload again

To include the external module in an event, you drag-and drop the "External" module from the right side panel of the "Configure event" view:

The external module allows users to download the event data, execute an external process and upload the result in a way compliant with regulation. Collective Minds recommends that there is a user standard operating procedure (SOP), or equivalent, in place to guarantee regulatory compliance when processing data outside of the platform.

For the user, the interface of the external module is as shown below:

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There, the user can browse the data that has been added to the subject in previous versions of the pipeline and download it to their local environment. A Drag and Drop upload area is included in order to upload, if required, the results of the processing

As an additional safeguard in order not to mix-up patient data, any file that is uploaded to the external module has to accomplish with certain file name requirements (indicated right above the uploading area)

If the tool or the external module generates a complete new study, it is uploaded to the imaging database as if it was a regular upload.

The external module can be used also to augment existing studies in the system by adding new series of images or segmentations/RTSTRUCTS. When the event is signed, the new study is propagated to the further events. During the external processing the user generates one or several new series for a study that already exists* in the imaging database and they upload it through the external module. In this case the following happens:

  • It is checked if the series to be added don't exist in this study**
  • If the series don't exist they are added to the study. The newly-added series is versioned and only shown from this point of the pipeline onward.
  • If the series exists, an error message is thrown, and the series cannot be appended.

Important: When downloading a DICOM study from the External module, all of the data belonging to this study is downloaded, independently of the position of the external module in the pipeline. All segmentations and series added in subsequent events or different branches will also be downloaded. Please have this in mind when designing your study


*So both have the same PatientID (0010,0020) and StudyInstanceUID (0x0020, 0x000d)

** SeriesInstanceUID (0x0020, 0x000e) does not exist in this study