How to Install CM-Connect on Linux OS (preferred)

This article will help with a Linux system install of CM-Connect.

  1. Please make sure the server/host where you will be deploying meets the minimal requirements
  2. Download your installer Zip from the link that was provided to you
  3. Unzip and run the installer using commands that resemble these:
    1. unzip

      Replace "" with your specific file name

    2. cd installer_lin/
    3. sudo bash 2>&1 | tee installation.log
  4. Give your system five minutes or so to finish running the installer and get your channels running.
  5. You can now configure your PACS with the channels created in the CM-Connect. Please follow the specific instructions we have provided. However, as an example:
    1. AET: CM-EXAMPLE-1-1
    2. IP: <this host>
    3. PORT: 4242
    4. Name/Description: Collective Minds Radiology

Ongoing maintenance

  1. Please include the host server into security upgrade/patch schedules.
  2. Make sure the server restarts at least every 60 days. This will make sure it remains securely connected to our services.

Redhat/Fedora/CentOS Notes

If firewalld is enabled, the following rules need to be in place:
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=6443/tcp #apiserver
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source= #pods
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source= #services
firewall-cmd --reload