Summary of options when creating a quiz
Case Details
Use these settings to customize the information displayed for all cases in your quiz.

- Off: This option displays only DICOM images in all cases.
- Select On to include the clinical details field published with each case.
Allow Retake
Create Exams or Self-assessments by defining the number of attempts users can have.
- Off: Create an exam-style quiz where members have only one attempt.
- On: Create self-assessment quizzes allowing members to have multiple attempts.
Multiway progress
Enables answer review and changes, or restricts changes after the initial answer
- On: Allow members to review and change their answers before completing the quiz
- Off: Prevent members from changing their first answer.
This feature works for single-select, multiple-choice, date, and measurement questions.
Auto-marking lets you set correct answers and add explanations for why each answer is correct. This is available when adding the case and question form.
Answers and Results
- Show Results Only: Display only the passing mark percentage without revealing correct answers.
- Show Answers and Results: Display the passing mark and allow members to review the quiz with correct answers and explanations.
- None: No results or answers are shown.
Set Passing Grade
- Use the slide bar to define the passing mark shown as a percentage.
After deciding on your quiz format and style, click Next to proceed
To learn how to make a basic quiz click here
For support with creating your quiz contact