Reply to a case

Interact and collaborate with other users.

1. Open the case you wish to respond to.

2. Locate and click the reply button below the case on the right-hand side.

3. A window will pop up where you can compose your reply. Here, you can choose from various reply options:

Write your reply here. You can mention another user with @ + user-alias or refer to a specific series in the case by inserting $ + series number.

Suggested diagnosis:
This section is optional, allowing you to suggest a diagnosis and put down your level of certainty.

Follow up:
This is an optional field where you can suggest a follow-up.

Key images:
Include a key image from the case in your reply by selecting an existing key image or adding your own key image by clicking "Add Key Images".

4. Post your reply by clicking "submit".

5. You can always delete or edit your reply after it's posted. If you are the case uploader, you can also delete other users' replies.



💡 Did you know that you can agree with another user's suggested diagnosis?
    To agree, simply press the "thumbs up" icon.