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Single Sign-On (SSO)

Information about Single Sign-On (SSO) integration for connecting CMRAD with your Learning Management System (LMS) or other platforms.

What we need from you and your system.

Do you have an OATh2 server in place? If not, can you install it/set up one? If yes, see below once you have the OATh2 server in place as you will need to assign the following parameters.
  • Client ID: Our ID in your system. It would allow you to track the request coming from us.
  • Client Secret: Our Secret to encrypt the communications.
  • Login URL: Where to redirect your users to check in your system that the user is logged in.
  • Access Token endpoint: the endpoint that would allow us to get the token to consume your services.
  • Metadata endpoint: the endpoint that we can access with the token to get the email, first and last name of the user. 
  • Logout URL: endpoint to tell you the user did logout.
  • Create a Test User in your system (User detail + Password).


Collective Minds can provide you with the following:

  • Checkout URL: This link is where you redirect the users once your system has checked that the user is logged in to your system. This checkout URL will be implemented once we get all the requested parameters

- DEVELOPMENT environment:  

- PRODUCTION environment:

  • Direct link to groups, cases, collections, quizzes, and results.


For further details or to speak directly with our technical team about your system and SSO contact support@cmrad.com