Tricks and tips when using the DICOM viewer (Review mode)

Consider the following points when using the DICOM viewer

  1. Open only one viewer tab; multiple viewer tabs are not supported.

  2. Preload a study or series to enhance performance: Click the small cloud icon or drag and drop a series description to preload. Preloading temporarily downloads data to your browser's memory and is removed when the viewer tab is closed or refreshed. Preload times can vary with the size of the data and the number of images.

  3. Assign viewer tools: Click a menu tool with the left mouse button to assign the function to the left button, or the right mouse button to assign to the right button.

  4. Explore shortcuts to enhance review speed and presentations. Keyboard shortcuts are displayed alongside the tool name in the menu.
  5. Right-click on a series thumbnail to add the series + automatically expand the layout.

  6. Use 4D Tools > Construct Virtual Series to help resolve any series scrolling order issues.

  7. Use the Windowing > Auto tool to help suboptimal window displays. Shortcut: Press "0"

  8. Preload DWI, Dual Echo, multiphase, and DIXON MR series to separate the individual phases and b_values.

  9. Series Linking: Use the linking tool to sync the same study series across multiple viewports. Preloading boosts scroll performance. Manual syncing is also possible between 2 different studies or modalities. The letters A or M will be shown when enabled.  The Crosshair tool is also useful for synchronized scrolling. It requires at least one orthogonal series to act as the localizer.

  10.  Refresh the viewer tab should any errors happen as most issues are resolved this way

  11. Press "J" to fast-window a PET series or via right mouse click > Windowing > Color Palette Selection
  12. Press K to assign autolink to all related series.

Note: Some viewer tools may not appear or function properly if the DICOM data was pre-anonymized before uploading to the platform.


For more details about viewer tools, tips, and performance
