Upload module

The upload module allows users to upload data to be stored in the event, pipeline and project.

The uploader is a module in the event configuration. This module is used when you want the user to be able to upload image data or other files to an event. 

Inside the "configure event" view, you drag-and-drop the upload-module from the right panel. The properties of the uploader are then set in the "Properties" tab.  

The properties to be set are the following:

DICOM only: With this control enabled, the uploader will only accept DICOM studies and other image formats (PDF, JPG, TIFF, PNG). Zip files will be extracted. If the control is disabled the uploader will accept any file type as attachment, and zip files won't be unzipped.

Convert images and PDFs to DICOM: This option is available only when the DICOM only feature is turned on. When you convert images and PDFs to DICOM, they will be viewable in the DICOM viewer, but keep in mind they can not be downloaded unless you use the External module.

Pseudonymize uploaded studies: If this option is enabled the input DICOM study/es will be pseudonymized. Otherwise the study DICOM tags will be kept.

Keep patient year of birth: If this option is enabled the patient year of birth will be kept in the form YYYY-MM-DD

Get data from previous runs: If this option is enabled, uploaded data from previous versions of the event will propagate into the current one. You may delete all or parts of what was uploaded in the previous version, and you may upload additional data. Important: If you delete by mistake data from previous versions that you wanted to keep, you can recover the original status by pressing the “Delete all” button and refreshing the page.

Allow several Patient IDs: If this option is enabled, studies from more than 1 patient ID will be accepted by the uploader. If the option is disabled, the upload will be blocked.

Create non-existing required DICOM tags: If this option is enabled, PatientID, Modality, StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID, SOPInstanceUID will be inserted if missing in the study. UIDs are autogenerated using a uuid (converted to DICOM UID with format 2.25.<decimal representation of the uuid>) as specified in the DICOM standard. A random hash is generated if the PatientID is missing. In case Modality is missing, it will be replaced with OT.

When the event has been configured and the pipeline approved, the event can be run and the uploader will appear as below:

Uploading can be done either by drag-and-drop or by browsing the folder. The progress bar will show the status of the upload, and also what process is ongoing. 

Once the upload is finalized, the uploaded data will be visualized with key images in a databrowser below. Images can also be reviewed from here selecting the "Open review mode". After signing the upload event, the uploaded data will be assigned to the corresponding event and subject in the pipeline.

When uploading more than one examination, drag the examinations in folders one exam at a time, and the exams will appear with key images below the upload panel:

When uploading RTSTRUCT data included into DICOM studies (for instance segmentations), it will be incorporated into the subject pipeline and available for further processing (like modifying the segmentations with the tools in CMRAD viewer).