Tips for Viewing Dental Radiology

For efficient image manipulation in dental radiology, consider using the following tools when reviewing CBCT images

Image Manipulation

Basic Navigation and Tool Access

  • Right Mouse Button: Right-click to access common tools quickly.
    right mouse tools
  • Shortcuts:
    • CT Bone Window: Press 3 for the CT Bone view.
    • Tool Assignment: Click a tool with the left or right mouse button to assign its function.


Scroll Speed and 3D Performance

Preload GIF-gif
  • Preload CBCT Images: Click the cloud icon to boost performance.
  • Internet Speed: Ensure your connection is >30 Mbps for smooth operation.
  • Scroll: Use the vertical scroll bar in the viewport for navigation.
Advanced Image Manipulation
  •  Select the menu toolMPR > Dental MPR 

MIST dental

Curved MPR tool 
