
A project member that is assigned to a role with site scope is only able to interact with subjects and data affiliated with his or her own site. This makes sites a powerful tool when building collaborative projects requiring granular access control.

Sites have a global ID and a description within the repository. A site added to the repository can be added to a project. Once a site is added to a project, subjects in the project can be affiliated with the site. Access to these subjects and their data is restricted to project members with site scope affiliated with the same site, or project members with higher level access. It is only possible to add a site to a project if it has already been added to the repository. This help page will treat adding and editing a site on repository level. Learn how to add and configure a site on project level here: Project Sites.

Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 08.35.47

Example of a site library (repository level)

Add Site

A new site can be added to the repository by doing the following:

  1. Navigate to your repository.
  2. Locate "Sites" in the left sidebar.
  3. Click the “Add Site” button. You will be presented with a form to enter site name and a short site description.

It is also possible to add more information about the site under the tab "Site Info". This additional information will not be seen on project level, but is only accessible to repository members assigned roles with repository level scope. You can find out more about roles and scopes here.

Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 11.53.28

Example of a form to add a site to the repository

Edit a Site

A site existing in the repository can then be edited on repository level by:

  1. Navigate to your repository.
  2. Locate "Sites" in the left sidebar.
  3. Click the Pen button under "Actions" in the repository site library.

 You will be presented with a form to optionally enter a new site name, change the description of the site or change the site information. Upon submitting, the reason for change must be specified for traceability.

Example of a form to edit a site in the repository

Add a Site to a Project

To unlock the site functionality in a project of the repository, the site has to be added to the project and attached with one or several project members and subjects. Instructions on how to add and configure a site on project level can be found on the page Project Sites.