Global Community Platform

Access the Global Community (GC) platform directly from your home screen. Here, you can explore and gather real-world cases, collaborate with peers, and engage with a community of users.

Discover, Contribute, and Collect Cases

Thousands of unique real-world cases are shared by users from every part of the world.

Ensure the following filter appears on your home screen to find GC cases.

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Filter to Find Cases

To discover various types of GC cases, use the SUBSPECIALITY filter at the top left and the ORDER BY filter at the top right of the home screen. You can also click hashtags within cases in addition to using the search bar at the top.

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Types of Cases Published on the Global Community Platform

New cases are regularly uploaded for various reasons. All contributions and community replies are voluntary and informal. Case data posted on the GC remains the property of the uploader. Read more.

Common Case Types

  •  Seeking Help and Opinion:

    Users may seek informal advice from the community to help interpret challenging findings. Common tags may include #help_needed, #help, and #DDX.

  • Show and Tell for Educational Purposes:

    Users may post cases to highlight rare, interesting, or classic imaging findings with teaching points to educate. Use tags like #educate, #teaching, #education, #webinar, #video_review, and #quiz to find, categorize and share content effectively.

  • AI Showcase: Demonstration of various AI algorithms with sample outputs. 
    Tag: #AIShowCase
  • Promotion: Webinars, general imaging samples, and upcoming events or special interest groups to join may also be seen as cases.

Interacting with Cases

Contact for details or to book a demo and learn more.